Okay , I must be the last-est fan of Twilight, as can you believe that i am reading it, 10 years after it has been published, or actually even heard of it. It can mean only one thing, that I have in my life, olden goldies like me and no more young hearts who are a breath of fresh air.
But still this old heart went tap tapping as it read the twilight, especially when it laid its eyes upon Edward Cullen.
What can I say, but I have become an undying romantic after Edward's own heart, if he has one that is and if he does, I will lay sole claim on it. I can truly understand why Bella turned into a vampire just to be with him, so would i, whatever made his life easier, especially if he wanted me in it.
I hate Jacob Black with a passion. The only time i liked him or even read about him was in Twilight. I skipped the whole book of New Moon as I skimmed to see if Edward came into the picture and he did at the very end. My happiness depended on it and only did I heave a breath, after knowing it was not not about Edward.
Jacob truly became an annoyance after Edward came back into Bella's life. Hated him with a passion. And that is when I started hating Bella as well. She cannot have the cake and eat it too. All girls do this, they do want someone waiting in the background for them, so when things come crashing which they surely will, as life is anything but a roller coaster, they can run back to the one stayed on the ground, who did not enjoy the ride with you. I hate girls like that, which means all girl species. The man in waiting is the one to get the girl, who's heart left with someone else, but mind and intellect and body with the other. Yes, girls are shallow like that.
But Edward, sweet Edward who so much as never looked at a single woman till Bella came along and refused to look at anyone else once she did, is the true guy to go after.
Whatever people say about Edward, that one quality alone redeems him from all the other qualities that he is accused of.
Anyway I am so in love with Edward, bite me if you will, only if you are Edward ofcourse ;) !!
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