Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I wish I could touch...Writing Prompt

A writing prompt from Preeti Shenoy 


I wish I could touch them.

They are here, yet I cannot touch them.
I can smell them, feel them, yet cannot touch them, cannot draw them into my arms and envelope them in a bear hug.

What a simple pleasure I am blessed with, ever since their arrival and yet now, for the first time I am not able to hold them, with them being but an arm’s length from me.

Yes, I have been affected by a mutant form of pink eye, with one eye monstrously shut down for six straight days and the other on the verge of shutting down.

And yet the sweetest things come from when being starved, out of desperation, when my daughter longingly eyed the possibility of ..

‘Mom, can I get conjuctivitis too ?’

I gave her a one eyed serious look and said ‘I hope not’ but then she dropped the gems that can come only from little mouths.

‘Then I can hug you. I wish I could touch you.’

The whole ordeal is worth it if just for my precious daughter to say these little endearments to me.


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